Having a teaspoon of honey every morning will let you realize soon how it enhances your daily vigor. That’s not a simple slogan, but a serious observation made by athletes, scientist and convalescents . A daily use of pure, natural honey provides energy and

Our Company

Beekeeping in our family is a long tradition, carried out as a hobby by my father since 1968 and then handed down to me. Beekeeping is actually not only one of my greatest passion, it is even my job since 1999. Currently our apiaries count over 150 bee colonies, a number which has been constantly increasing during the last 15 years. The experience I acquired during the hobbistic period leads me to exalt the “pure virgin honey”’s qualities, honey which I gather during several periods. Another important gift of my hobby experience is the concept of “nomad beekeeping”. This practice involves the transfer of the colonies in different sites in order to “intercept” several blooms here, in our territory: Marche’s mid-hills, just few Kms far from the Appennines. Our main apiaries are in Montegiorgio and Monteverde, with a small presence in Monte San Martino. During the gathering season with our colonies we reach some of the most beautiful cities of our landscape, such as Monte Falcone Appennino and Montemonaco.


Best quality Marche's Honey 2004

Best quality Marche's Honey 2009

Beekeeping course second level

Successful completion of beekeeping course second level.
Duration: 25 hours
Place: Villa Vitali - Fermo (Italy)
Date: 20-22-23-25 march 2013
Copyright © 2013 Apicoltura Nomade. All rights reserved.